Monday, May 15, 2017

Photographs of repairs on Bowraville side of Bellingen Road 15 May 2017

The following photographs were taken about one kilometre from the top of Bellingen Road on the way down to wards Bowraville. It was 4pm and rather shady where the photos were taken

Thanks to Tony for driving me up there. Near the summit on the Spicketts Creek side there were signs of clearing on corners for later repair work. Near the top, the road was in better condition than reported on 5 May see

gabion baskets

filling gabion baskets on corner

very wet road

working on repairs across the valley

gabion baskets in place across the valley

Thursday, May 11, 2017

photographs of damage to Bellingen road Spicketts Creek end of road 11 May 2017

There is considerable damage to Bellingen road on the Spicketts Creek end of Bellingen Road more than  1 kilometre from the top of the road before it goes down to Bowraville.

The following photographs were taken walking up the the hill after parking beside an unnamed fire trail on the right on the way up the hill. We passed another fire trail on the left , also not named, but turned around before reaching Valley Valley Road.

The larger photographs show a ditch very close to the road edge, that corner likely to wash in the event of heavy rain

left hand side of road, 500mm deep ditch only 1 metre from road edge

same location as above

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

update on repairs to Bellingen Road - 22 March 2017

Today Wednesday 22 March 2017, the following information was received from the Project Manager in charge of the repairs to Bowraville Road.

"works are anticipated to commence next week.
Completion June/July 2017.

Nic Dodd  BEng(Civil) MIE(Aust)

Consulting Engineer | Project Manager"

Friday, February 17, 2017

update on remediation of Bellingen Road 17 February 2017

The project has been delayed, and I have been putting off this email until I could advise of the new date of commencement, however this is still unknown.
Hopefully the project will commence in March, however this is still to be confirmed.
I will advise further when a works commencement date is confirmed.

Nic Dodd  BEng(Civil) MIE(Aust)
Consulting Engineer | Project Manager