Monday, June 6, 2011

Regress on the restoration of the Bellingen/Bowraville Road 2011

The following information shows the lack of progress in restoring the Bellingen/Bowraville Road which was closed by storm damage in February and March 2009.

The latest information comes from an email from the office of local State Member Andrew Stoner on 12 May 2011

Thank you for your email.

Mr Stoner has asked me to advise that representations have now been made to the NSW Minister for Roads, Duncan Gay MLC, in regard to your concerns about the repair of the southern section of the Bellingen Bowraville Road.

A copy of the response will be forwarded as soon as received.

Kind regards,

Jodie Griffiths
Electorate Officer for:
Hon Andrew Stoner MP

On 25 March 2011 the RTA had advised that funding would be provided to repair the northern section only and the work to  re-open the road would be a matter of future review. see below

On 7 January 2011 Andrew Stoner  had confirmed

"I have always supported the restoration of the Bowraville-Bellingen Road under Natural Disaster funding arrangements and have consistently lobbied both State and Local Government toward this end. The great shame is that they are still merely talking about it nearly 2 years later.

A Nationals & Liberal State Government will act to have the road restored with Natural Disaster funding."

The complete restoration of the Bellingen/Bowraville road was recommended by a Value Management Workshop in December 2010. This workshop was a requirement of the RTA before further decisions could be taken. 

It took 4 months to establish the workshop following a public meeting in Bowraville  in August 2010.

It is worth reflecting that it is nearly two and a half years since the road was closed and shortly after the damage, promises were made by the State Government, that Disaster Relief Funding would be provided to restore the road. 

Scroll through the blog to understand the extent of the problem and lack of progress in achieving the reopening of this road that connects the town of Bellingen and Bowraville. 

Friday, January 28, 2011

The start of the journey to Bowraville

Before the storm damage in February 2009, tourists and locals could drive the scenic route to Bowraville and then south to the Pacific Highway at Macksville.

At the end of 2008, the road was in good condition, with road improvements carried out in the last ten years, which widened the road  and improved visibility.

It is now 55 kilometres to Bowraville via the Pacific Highway

The Bowraville part of the sign has now been blanked out

Friday, January 7, 2011

Andrew Stoner email promising to repair Bellingen/Bowraville Road

From: Andrew Stoner <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2011 08:08:15 +1000
To: "" <>
Cc: ElectorateOffice Oxley <>
Subject: Fwd: Re: Bowraville Road - funding of local roads and progress inspending natural disaster funding

Dear David

Firstly, apologies for the delay in responding.

I have always supported the restoration of the Bowraville-Bellingen Road under Natural Disaster funding arrangements and have consistently lobbied both State and Local Government toward this end.  The great shame is that they are still merely talking about it nearly 2 years later.
A Nationals & Liberal State Government will act to have the road restored with Natural Disaster funding.
Yours sincerely

Andrew Stoner