Thursday, December 22, 2016

contract for remediation of Bellingen Road 22 December 2016

From: []
Sent: Thursday, 22 December 2016 10:40 AM
Subject: Remediation Works - Bowraville / Bellingen Road

Hi everyone,
This is a group email to various stakeholders initially involved in the preliminary planning stages for remediation works on the currently closed section of Bowraville / Bellingen Rd.
The remediation works have recently been awarded to a specialised contractor, with works to commence at the beginning of January 2017.
The road will remain closed during the works, that are expected to take 3-4 months.
Nambucca Shire Council have appointed Dodd Civil Consultancy to oversee the project and construction works.
So if you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact myself via email or on mobile 0400 150 132.

Nic Dodd  BEng(Civil) MIE(Aust)
Consulting Engineer | Project Manager

Ph: 0400 150 132